
Established in 2016 by the Semler Group to work with autonomy, Holo’s mission is to make autonomy work for everyone - from the end-users riding in vehicles, to companies adding autonomy to existing mobility or freight services, to vehicle vendors working to develop their technology.

Holo wants to be part of building a more efficient transportation and logistics system by adding more autonomy. This will enable better quality service while utilising fewer resources, resulting in better customer experiences and more sustainable transport and logistics solutions.


Holo’s role depends on the geography and characteristics of a project. In some projects, Holo takes on the full end-to-end responsibility for implementing autonomous transportation or logistics. In other projects, Holo contributes key elements that are ’t covered by other partners in the project.

Holo brings a unique experience with autonomy across projects on the ground and in the air. Holo is starting to see connections and synergies between autonomy in different areas and is working on combining the best of both worlds.


Holo was founded
Identifying new projects, directions and opportunities

Purchase of first vehicles
First deployment on open road

Scaling pilot-projects with autonomous vehicles across Scandinavia
Initial autonomous drone flights

Strategic shift for autonomous passenger transporation projects
Phasing out projects with generation 1 vehicles. Focused on projects with generation 2 vehicles

Increased focus on providing access to services and software for deployment of autonomous vehicles

Started operating with new autonomous freight robots to move packages. Multiple drones project kicked off with moving blood samples and spare parts

The Swiss company AMAG acquired 33% of Holo. Started on the Grorud Project together with Mobileye and Ruter to over three years get 15 autonomous vehicles to the suburbs of Oslo



Holo is both a physical and virtual organisation. Employees are based in Copenhagen, Odense, Helsinki, and Oslo, travelling across Scandinavia to serve customers. At the same time, Holo employees work quite independently of time and place, with virtual tools supporting us along the way.

Holo is an agile organisation that continuously adapts to our projects, tasks, and customers. 

Holo is an open and collaborative organisation inviting partners, vendors, researchers, customers, and others to learn everything they can from projects and understand Holo’s internal processes when it makes sense.

Holo is a data-driven organisation - we make our decisions based on data, not individual opinions or gut feelings. Major decisions are from a realistic assessment of how the technology performs, how it’s received by customers, passengers, and the public, and what’s possible while ensuring safety.

Partnerships and collaborations