Offshore drone delivery to wind turbines



The route

From Grenaa Harbour to Anholt Windfarm

Total distance

51.18 KM

Project partners

DSV, Ørsted, Holo & Rigitech

Drone manufacturer


The project

Offshore wind farms are usually located far from shore, and the service technicians and necessary spare parts are usually transported by ship. Technicians bring their tools and the components most often needed for the wind turbines, but if special spare parts are needed, they must go back onshore to get them. This is both costly and time-consuming, and the repairs are therefore often delayed until the next day.

As an alternative, cargo drones can offer logistics support, especially for small spare parts, contributing to a much faster wind turbine restart.

The goal of the project has been to move the spare parts to firstly the OSS platform next to the wind turbines. And in the next phase lowering spare parts onto the wind turbine. The wind farm is about 25 kilometers out offshore.

The project successfully completed over 40 flights firstly in 2022 to the OSS platform and in June of 2023 dropping spare parts on the wind turbines it selves.

Find Ørsted’s press release here.

Find DSV’s press release here.

Want to know more?

If you want to know more, please contact us.


Michael Skibsted
Head of Business Development

Mathias Vinter
Head of Holo Air